Protocols to keep our employees and customers safe:
- Our employees will stay home if they are sick to any degree. No one gets in an Octoraro vehicle with a temperature of 99 degree or higher (or members of their family in the same household)
- Facemasks are worn by employees during any interaction with customers
- Social distancing practiced when we are working to the fullest extent possible
- Emails and phone calls will be used as much as possible for communication. Please let us know if you prefer only electronic paperwork
- Consistent cleaning of work areas and vehicles
- Our office is restricted no entry to customers picking up orders. All transactions are outside
Delivery Protocols:
- Social distancing is the most important aspect of order deliveries
- Driver assisted unloading – our driver will get plants to the tailgate. Customer remains 6’ away until driver clears tailgate area and then customer removes plants from tailgate. Repeat until unloaded.
- If customer prefers to unload truck with their personnel, our driver will stay in cab or appropriate distance until truck unloaded.
Order Pick-Up Protocols at the Nursery:
- Please give us 72 hours’ notice of preferred plant pick up date
- Orders are pulled and staged prior to customer arrival
- Social distancing is most important aspect of order pick-ups
- Nursery staff assisted loading – customer stays in vehicle or stands minimum of 6’ from vehicle while our crew loads order
- Customer loading – customer self-loads order with no interaction with our staff except to confirm order is complete